Health Magazine

Having Early Lunch Can Help You Lose Weight

By Herblogazine @HerBlogazine


Eating lunch earlier rather than later may help you out in losing weight.

A Spanish latest study published in the International Journal of Obesity showing that dieters having early lunches tended to lose more weight than those who had their midday meal on the later side.

Well,  this doesn’t prove that bumping up your lunch hour will help you shed that extra weight, but it is possible that eating times play a role in how the body regulates its weight.

The key to lose weight is the control of calories intake, and the concept is always to have a good breakfast and lunch and for dinner think of something light. Let’s start to consider the timing of food apart from just what we eat, but also when we eat.

The researchers found out that off 420 people attending nutrition clinics in southeast Spain. Along with going to regular group therapy sessions with nutrition and exercise counseling, dieters measured, weighed and recorded their food and reported on their daily physical activity.

Study participants were on a so-called Mediterranean diet, in which about 40 percent of each day’s calories are consumed at lunch. About half of the people said they ate lunch before 3pm and half after.

Over 20 weeks of counseling, early and late lunchers ate a similar amount of food, based on their food journals, and burned a similar amount of calories through daily activities.

However, early eaters lost an average of 10 kilograms – just over 11 percent of their starting weight – while late eaters dropped 7.7kg, or nine percent of their initial weight.

What time dieters ate breakfast or dinner wasn’t linked to their ultimate weight loss.

People who eat later may have extra food in their stomach when they go to sleep, which could mean more of it isn’t burned and ends up being stored as fat, said Yunsheng Ma, a nutrition researcher from the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester.

As per our lifestyle today, the pattern of consumption of meal is unhealthy. We tend to skip breakfast or lunch, then end up overdoing it on calories at dinner time.

Researchers pointed out that eating late dinner will lead to more trouble in losing weight. Imaging we carry indigestible food over night without burning it out on the daily activities.

For many countries, the culture of having biggest meal for dinner is hard to change, but it’s not impossible!

Have a good breakfast and a good lunch, and at dinner, let’s eat lightly!

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