Fitness Magazine

Goals and Wisdom

By Balancingonhoney @balancinghoney

I don’t know if I told y’all yet, but I am done with school! I graduated with my masters last Friday and I have been trying to adjust for the past few days.

You might think it would be an easy task to celebrate a degree completion, but two years of checking classes, meeting deadlines and signing up for classes can make a person a little up tight! Well, it can make me a little uptight, so now that I am done I go through waves of, “Oh man, I have work to do!” To, “Wait a minute no I don’t, no I don’t.”

It is a weird feeling that is for sure, and while I am trying to give myself a little bit of a breather, I do have goals to meet!

Some of my goals include:

  1. Help my husband out around the house more (He picked up a lot of slack while I was a ball of stress most of the time).
  2. Network and meet people who are passionate about horses and horses helping people.
  3. Pray continuously for wisdom and guidance while I pursue God’s plan.
  4. Give middle school and high school students better opportunities to be successful equestrians (Hope of Texoma Equestrian Team).
  5. Continue to learn and GROW.

Those goals are what I have been praying about most of the time… The Lord is doing a major teaching time in my life and for that I am thankful. 

I have always been thankful for the unknown, just because I know God is working, but today in a Jesus Calling devotional my perspective changed even more.

To me, the unknown is a little bit of a problem. I can’t plan for anything, and I can’t rely on myself at all. This is what Jesus Calling has to say about that:

“When you are plagued by a persistent problem–one that goes on and on–view it as a rich opportunity.”

Easier said then done maybe? But as the devotional goes on it says to ask the Lord to show you all He is doing through the struggle. That was an interesting statement…. I know God can do anything He wants, but I didn’t really think He would do that if you asked Him to. I guess I just thought it was something I had to figure out for myself. Why do I always have to make everything about me?!

Anyways, the devotional also shared scripture, God’s divine words stating that he would do just that.

20 Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. 21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:20-21

Wow. My prayer life just got a little more exciting and I hope yours did too!



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