Diaries Magazine

From Russia with Hate

By Jackscott

From Russia with HateI’m incensed, really pissed off. The parliament of St Petersburg, Russia’s cultural capital and second largest city, has just passed a law making it a crime to write, speak, discuss or meet about anything ‘gay’ (and I don’t mean happy). Offenders face a fine of up to $16,700.  Is this the action of a sophisticated, civilised, European nation?  I hardly think so. And some people think Muslim nations are backward. I can’t see this nasty little law ever being proposed in Turkey.

Take a look at the clever video below from the people at All Out. I hope it persuades you to lend your support. There is a chance that the Governor of St Petersburg will veto the bill. Please do what you can to convince him that this stupid law damages the international reputation of this great city, a city that I visited when I was 14 years old.

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