Diaries Magazine

Confessions of a Single Woman: I’m Grateful He Supports My Dreams.

By Djrelat7 @djrelat7

does your signficant other support your dreams?

Does your significant other support your dreams? It’s one of the many traits I love about Daniel. I could tell him some far fetched idea and he’d root me on. He’d go and do research on how I could accomplish my latest goal and he’d come back to me later on and tell me all about it. Did you know … Telling him my dreams and goals in life also helps keep me accountable. If I say I’m going to do something he’ll call me or send me a text to ask how it went. It’s so important to have your significant other’s support when you’re reaching for the stars.

People always tell me that marriage is hard work. However, its easier when you and your husband/wife work as a team. You’ll each have your strengths and weaknesses but at the end of the day you’ll balance each other out. Yin and Yang. It is important to see if your significant other supports you early in your relationship. It can be something as small as listening to you when you need someone to talk to.

If you feel like your significant other does not support you now, it may not change once you are married. Believe them when they show you who they are.  When relationships are new to us we can ignore the warning signs that tell us to move on. If they shoot down every idea or goal you want to pursue please consider reevaluating your relationship.

Support is a two way street AND can come in many forms . There’s verbal support or financial support. At the end of the day you want your significant other to be the person you can’t wait to tell how your dreams are progressing. If they’re not going the way you want, your significant other can give you a pep talk or perhaps redirect you. Sometimes talking it out with Daniel is just the thing I need to get back on track. 

Does your significant other support your dreams?

Until then,


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