Health Magazine

Can Nuts Help Lower Cholesterol

Posted on the 05 August 2013 by Dave Nevue


Can Nuts Help Lower Cholesterol?

Nuts have been a snack food and a main ingredient for many dishes for many years. Most people think of nuts as a junk food and when trying to eat healthy will cut them from their diet. Research has found that there are many health benefits from certain nuts including lowering LDL the “bad” cholesterol. The negative side of nuts are they are high in calories and some people have an allergic reaction to them.

Nuts are high in fiber, protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and monounsaturated fats. In 2003 the FDA claimed that some nuts can reduce the risk of heart disease if included in the daily diet in moderation. Being aware of the serving size is important do to the high caloric value of nuts.

Studies have shown that LDL cholesterol can drop from 7%-11% when nuts are included in a diet. The percentage will vary depending on the type of nuts. It is recommended to have one serving (about 1 oz) of nuts a day. Having more than a serving might add too many calories to your daily caloric budget which might have you gain weight.

Now you can start to enjoy your favorite “snack” food again. Separate servings into small ziplock baggies. This will make sure that you are not having more than a serving a day. Do not include nuts into your diet if you are allergic to them.


(n.d.). Retrieved from

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