Social Media Magazine

Are Social Media Ads Really Worth It?

Posted on the 11 July 2013 by Jureklepic @jkcallas

Three of the major players on the social media scene are now offering the ability to buy ads or promote posts. These social media networks have become a huge force when it comes to marketing for all different kinds of businesses. The number of people who are able to be reached via social networks is nearly immeasurable. Facebook alone has over a billion users.

Businesses are using Facebook and other major social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn to advertise all kinds of different goods and services. Each of these three networks is now offering paid “promoted” ads that anyone can purchase to promote their business or goods/services. The question is, are these ads successful in helping businesses to draw in more customers and followers?

The answer seems to be a resounding YES. Because of some of the changes that Facebook in particular has made lately, not everyone who follows your business page will be able to see your posts and updates. Paid ads, however, offer you the option to choose who sees your sponsored post. You can choose just your followers (who should all see it on their newsfeed) or you can choose followers + their friends. There is of course a cost difference, but you are able to greatly increase your visibility.

Here are some details about each kind of paid ad:

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Facebook – Facebook makes it very easy to have a post be a promoted post. You simply click “Promote Post” at the bottom of the dialog box before you tell it to publish. Facebook will let you choose how many days you would like your post to run for and who you would like to see it. They will calculate a cost from there. The average cost looks to be about $10/day.

Twitter – Twitter allows promoted tweets and targets specific demographics for you. You “bid” on how much you are willing to spend for each person that clicks on, follows, re-tweets, or favorites your tweet. Twitter then promotes your tweet, and you can track it to see how many people are seeing it. Then you can decide whether or not you want to change your bid.

LinkedIn – ads on LinkedIn are a bit more traditional. You pay for a specific amount of text space and then the ad is displayed on prominent pages on the LinkedIn site. LinkedIn may be a better choice for businesses who are marketing specifically to other businesses, and not necessarily targeting individuals.

Social media ads can really give your business a boost. After you have decided to give it a try, make sure you read up on tips on using ad retargeting so you can make the most of your campaign. Then test out a promoted post or ad and get more eyes on your business.

(Photo Source)

Megan Totka is the Chief Editor for She specializes on the topic of small business tips and resources. helps small businesses grow their business on the web and facilitates connectivity between local businesses and more than 7,000 Chambers of Commerce worldwide.

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