Family Magazine

5 Dinner Party Guests

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hey friends…I hope you are all doing well. I have to keep this short as I am in a week long sales and marketing convention and I have about 20 minutes of unscheduled time in my day today but I wanted to pop in and say hi and ask you guys a random question.  First let me back up and explain.

On my walk from the hotel to my meetings this morning I was thinking…if I was hosting a dinner party and could have 5 famous, living celebrities as my party guests, who would I choose?  I have really random thoughts throughout my day…I know this, just go with it.

5 Dinner Party Guests
This took me about 5 seconds to rattle off people in my head.  My list would be:

  1. Anna Kendrick (she is my BFF in another life)
  2. Jimmy Fallon
  3. John Stewart
  4. Amy Poehler
  5. Jim Krasinski

I am fairly certain this would be the most entertaining dinner ever!  All of these people are hysterical, seem super down to earth and have made me laugh until I cry on multiple occasions.  They all have similar humor to my own, are quick witted and just seem really awesome.  Who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by people like that?

My people would change if we added qualifiers like, just 5 famous people (vs. celebrities), 5 authors, 5 people who have made history, etc, but I was specifically thinking celebrities this morning.

So there you go, some mindless fun to have on this Wednesday morning…now I want to hear from you!


Question of the day

Who are your 5 Dinner Party Guests?

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