You know that feeling when you’re about to fall in love? That rush of energy that stings you right in your heart? Those butterflies that out of nowhere start flying around in your stomach? That feeling of anticipation and excitement that almost burns you from inside? Well, that happens to me quite often when I’m about to meet a new city, which is the reason I love to travel so much. Going to a new place gives me my own butterflies, as I’m a true believer that each city has its own character, or even soul. And like with human beings, you either find your perfect match and dive into a joined urban adventure, or you feel nothing and just move on.
Gliding on the highway among the spacious green fields of the Swiss countryside dotted with picture-perfect Swiss cows, I already had a feeling that Zurich and I would not get along. And unfortunately, after spending a day in the city, that happened to be the case. I want to be upfront though – Zurich is a very beautiful, well-maintained city with great dining options, amazing architecture and exquisite shopping. But I just didn’t feel it. Walking through the narrow streets of the old town quarter, I admired its antique buildings perfectly preserved from the Medieval times and gorgeous Limmat River views, but still felt nothing. Zurich was just too calm and flawless for me. I wanted passion; I wanted to see a couple engaged in shameless PDA…but all I saw was a bunch of respectful bürgers enjoying a lazy sunny afternoon. Maybe I was hanging out in the wrong places or maybe I was not in the right mood, but after exploring it for a good ten hours, I still felt nothing. But hey, that’s just me.
I took plenty of pictures to show you its perfectly beautiful scenery, and I do encourage you to visit Zurich to draw your own conclusions. But for me, Zurich was a mismatch, like that mysterious handsome guy on the dance floor that is slowly making his way over to talk to you…only to realize that you actually have no interest in talking to him. However, I’m sure that there is someone out there who would be more than willing to take him up on it.