Culture Magazine

Zoom Sex

By Fsrcoin

Zoom Sex

As the pandemic unfolded in 2020, bursting into our lives was a techno-cultural phenomenon called Zoom. It seemed a natural; despite some drawbacks, still a great way for people to get together and interact. Without Zoom the pandemic would have been a lot bleaker.

Recently when my wife was away alone, it seemed obvious to have nightly zooms, just the two of us. Prompting an important sociological question in my mind.

Now, phone sex has long been a thing. It probably doesn’t date back to the origins of telephony, but people likely started doing it soon enough. After all, sex being quite a big part of our lives. Having myself lived a rather sheltered existence, I actually don’t know exactly how phone sex goes down — but on second thought, I guess it’s easy enough to imagine.

Zoom Sex

It’s been said our primary sexual organ is the brain. People get off just reading lubricious stuff; or, for that matter, creating it mentally.

Now comes Zoom — with not only voices, but people seeing each other. You get the, ahem, picture? There was that Jeffrey Toobin incident. And (mostly) men paying for webcam performances has been a thing too. So I had to wonder why we never hear the term zoom sex.

I mean, c’mon. No, my wife and I didn’t. But nobody? Why is this not a widely talked-about socio-cultural phenomenon — like phone sex, such a rich source of ribald jocularity? Yet I’ve never seen or heard the term “zoom sex” even once, anywhere.

Zoom Sex

Inquiring minds want to know. So I googled it. (Yes, I assiduously research my blog posts.) There does seem to be a thing with “zoom sex parties” and the like, which I guess I needn’t explain. And quite a bit more about “caught on camera” incidents. But — strangely, it seems to me — plodding indefatigably through screen after screen, I found nothing for plain “zoom sex” per se, analogous to phone sex. That is, couples using this technology when they’re physically apart (like my wife and I did not do).

Really, we didn’t.

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