This is one of my favorite activities that I have managed to create for my blog. The whole concept of this activity is fun. All you simply need to do is print out the work sheet that goes with this activity and dice and fix it together and you are ready to go.
To take part in this activity all you need to do is roll the dice and color in a space for each animal rolled. Once you reach 10, you will be crowned the winner. You are able to print multiple sheets for this activity so more than one player can play at a time!
To download the zoo graphing game all you need to do is:
1. Sign up to Dropbox which is a PDF sharing site. Dropbox will not try to sell you anything or send you spam emails. It is simply a sharing site.
2. Click this download to show the graphing game.
3. In the top right corner hit download which will download the picture to your computer.
4. Print off my download and share my download with your family and friends.
Copyright © Mummy to the Max
You are permitted to use this file for personal use only. You may download the file to your own computer and print it as many times as you need for your own family. Please DO NOT edit or share the file. DO NOT store these on any website, forum, or other online venue. DO NOT present this file as your own creation. DO NOT resell or distribute to other people. If you would like to share this file with others, please share the blog post link not the direct download link.
Questions or concerns: [email protected].