Society Magazine

"Zero Fluff Bible Studies"

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
by Elizabeth Prata
Sharon Lareau at Chapter 3 Ministries published a post with the title "Zero Fluff Bible Studies." I like that title. Sadly, so much of what passes for Bible Studies these days are either an ego-driven study of the author herself,  a treatise on hearing from God, or emotionalism galore and not a proper exposition of the word of God in sight.
Thankfully there are smaller gems among the touted studies we see at the bigwig stores. Here are a few ladies I enjoy and who treat the word of God for what it is, a precious jewel given to us to handle carefully and directly- with zero fluff.
--Sharon Lareau at Chapter 3 Ministries-
Introduction to A Zero Fluff Bible Study on the Deity of Christ
This will be a Zero Fluff study. It’s the only way I know how to offer it. This means it will not be like the many studies, books, and teachings that are geared towards women today that are heavy on fluff and light on sound doctrine. We will dig deeply! The focus will be God and His word, not us. We will not be reading ourselves into the story, looking for personal words from God, stroking our egos, or relying on our feelings. I will not be talking about tea or coffee. We are women, but we don’t have to be stirred up by emotionalism or lean on clichés. We have the Holy Spirit, and we can (must) do real Bible study, not shallow book studies with fill in the blank questions. Real Bible study is necessary for our spiritual-wellbeing!
You see now why I enjoy Mrs Lareau! Here is Zero Fluff Deity of Christ lesson 1.
Here are some other ladies I enjoy-
--Betty J. Newman of Newman Farm at Hand to the Plow and Prayerlogue teaches unvarnished. She also has many videos on cooking which are useful and so fun! Here is her blog which has tabs for audio lessons, video lessons, and writings. Here is her Youtube channel.
--Naomi's Table a discipleship table for women also has many Bible studies which I consider solid. Founded by the talented and wise Amy Spreeman, you will find a lot of straight talk and study.
--Michelle Lesley Discipleship for Christian Women offers Bible studies on a regular basis. She also has started a podcast with Amy Spreeman called A Word Fitly Spoken. Michelle says that one questions she receives almost more than any other is Can you recommend a good Bible study for women/teens/kids? Her answer us a surprising no. While the question brings her joy,
That’s the central reason my ministry even exists- I want Christian women to be grounded in the Bible and sound doctrine, and it brings me unbelievable joy and encouragement when I see women seek that out.
It also makes her sad, because
the prevailing line of thought in evangelicalism that has led them to ask the question. Namely, that the people in the pew aren’t capable of studying and understanding the Bible for themselves- they need some Christian celebrity to tell them what it means.
Ladies, I know you may feel inadequate, but don’t give in to those feelings. Try. Pick a book of the Bible, start at the beginning, and read it through to the end, taking as much time as you need. You might just be pleasantly surprised at how well you grasp it. That’s because, if you’re a believer, the Holy Spirit resides within you and will help you to understand the Word He authored.
Michelle always steers women back to the straight Bible, encourages women to read and prayerfully ascertain its meanings for themselves, and offers some outlines and guides with studies at her blog, here.
DebbieLynne Kespert has a blog called The Outspoken Tulip and writes frequently about Bible study. She offers exposition in a plain, straightforward way. No fluff :)
It may seem like there is only a glut of squishy, emotional studies out there but there are lots of good solid places online for you to turn for zero fluff studies, commenting in community, and ladies of like mind to study along with. Though a lot of what we see on social media is false, the true Bride is beautiful, sterling, bright, solid, and thriving. Jesus is raising up His church and He will not fail in perfecting it.

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