
Zawahiri’s Killing by US a Violation of Doha Agreement, Says Taliban

Posted on the 02 August 2022 by Geetikamalik
Zawahiri’s killing by US a violation of Doha Agreement, says Taliban

In his first statement about the murder of the head of Al-Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahiri in the strike of the US drone in Kabul, Afghanistan, the ruling Taliban regime in the Asian country described the development as a 'clear violation' of the Doha agreement between groups and the United States.

The Islamic Emirates (Afghanistan) condemned this attack in the strongest requirements that were possible and considered it as a clear violation of international principles and the Doha agreement," Zabiullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the regime said in a statement in Pashto.

Mujahid, Deputy Minister of Information and Culture of Afghanistan under the government led by Islamic groups today, is also careful of Washington for every future operation with the same type in Afghanistan land.

This action is contrary to the interests of the United States and Afghanistan. Repetition in the future can endanger the opportunities that exist, "read the statement.

Zawahiri, a 71-year-old Egyptian citizen, replaced Osama bin Laden as the head of Al-Qaeda after the last killed by Navy Seals as in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in May 2011. His death took place in a house owned by seniors by seniors by senior seniors , Pakistan, in May 2011. The leader of the Taliban and the Minister of the Interior of Afghanistan, Sirajuddin Haqqani.

While the operation to eliminate Zawahiri was carried out on July 30, which was confirmed by US President Joe Biden only on Monday night (local time) in a national speech from the White House. In his speech, Biden underlined, among other things, that there were no civilians - as well as members of the terrorist leaders - disadvantaged during the strike.

The USS Ronald Reagan transportation has been transit in the South China Sea and is currently in the Philippine Sea, East Taiwan and the Philippines and South Japan, a US Navy official who was confirmed to Reuters on Tuesday.

Reagan based in Japan operates with guided cruiser missiles, USS antiques, and destroyers, USS Higgins.

Although they can respond to all possibilities, this is a normal routine spread," said the official, who spoke on anonymity conditions. The official added that they could not comment on the right location.

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