
Youtubers Life 2 Cheats

Posted on the 26 October 2021 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 26 October, 2021

Youtubers Life 2 Cheats – Free & Premium Plitch Cheats, how to get a Plitch account, and how to farm XP using cheats

Youtubers Life 2 Cheats – Full List

Free Cheats

Free and available for every single player

  • NUM 1: Freeze time progression in-game
  • NUM 2: Get unending reaction time when recording

Premium Plitch Cheats

Require to install the Plitch third-party app

  • NUM 3: Get endless render points for editing
  • NUM 4: Get endless energy, taking away the need for sleep or food
  • ALT NUM 5: Reset your player to have no money
  • NUM 5: Give your player money
  • NUM 6: Get better video recording emoji ratings
  • ALT NUM 9: Get 0 XP for videos (No XP)
  • NUM 7: Get more video views
  • NUM 8: Add more followers or subscribers
  • LCTRL NUM 9: Get x3 XP for videos
  • NUM 9: Get x10 XP for videos

As you can see, the difference between using Plitch or not is huge, since if you use Plitch’s cheats you will multiply the Xp and you will progress much faster than if you don’t. In addition to free money and other functions that do not exist in the free version. So in case you didn’t know her, this is how you can get Plitch

Youtubers Life 2 Cheats – How to Install Plitch

These are the steps to install Plitch (required for premium cheats)

  1. Go to
  2. Download and Install the app
  3. Log in or create an account if you don’t have one
  4. Keep Plitch open and launch Youtubers Life 2, Press NUM 0 and then enter the cheat of your choice

(There is not a Mac version of plitch, so Mac users can’t use the premium cheats in YL2

You can edit the key with which to activate the cheats (NUM 0), or any other using the edit button.

The only thing you have to keep in mind is that Plitch must be open whenever you want to use his cheats. You can close Plitch once you have got the money and XP you need

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