Wow! 2020 was quite the year, to say the least. The year we thought would never end is finally coming to a close, and while we all have high hopes for a better 2021, I’ve collated a list of your most popular posts of 2020
Drumroll, please ………
1. What’s Your Personality Style Quiz

I know that defining your style is the easiest way to have a wardrobe full of clothes you love to wear. Along with finding the colours that make you shine, and your figure flattery guidelines, how your personality influences your style is one of the main keys to determining what really works for you and makes you feel more comfortable and confident in your clothing choices.
I developed Personality Style Quiz to help you figure out which are the personality dressing styles that work best for you and it was so popular as many of you realize that understanding .personal style will help you to make much better purchasing decisions.
2. What Colours to Wear on a Zoom Call

This is a topic of some interest to many as they on screen more frequently with the massive rise in video conferencing. Technology brought us closer together. It has enabled us to stay informed, to see each other on-screen. Unlike when you’re just having a photo taken, you can become keenly aware of how you look when on a video call as you can see your own image as well as those you are talking to. If you need to be seen, wearing certain colours really helps you to be noticed, which means you’ll have an easier time getting airtime and your point across.
3. What You Need to Know About Pants and Why They Fit So Bad

It’s almost impossible for some women to find trousers that fit well. It’s most commonly an issue with woven fabrics, rather than knit as there is no stretch that can cheat the fit to be better than it is. But poorly designed trousers will still fit poorly, they just won’t look quite so bad.
Women’s bodies are so varied in their shape. Defined waists and undefined waists, slimmer thighs and fuller thighs, rounded bottom or flatter bottom, high bottom or lower set bottom, longer rise or shorter rise …. so many things to consider and so it’s completely understandable that trousers are tricky to fit. This post takes a deep dive into the long and short of all things trousers.
4. Brenda Kinsel – a Tribute

Finding Brenda’s tribute in my Top 10 posts of 2020 is heart-breaking. I wish this post wasn’t written and that Brenda was still with us. The passing of my beloved colleague, friend and mentor shocked me and the whole image consulting world along with her devoted fans. It is hard to believe such a vibrant soul with such a zest for life and style is no longer with us. If you’re not familiar with Brenda’s work, I highly recommend you check out her blog and read her books.
5. Simple Outfits vs Complex Ones – Which Should You Choose?

What’s your style? Do you prefer more simple classic outfits or more complex and interesting ones? What suits you? How does your personality influence your choice. There are two main things to consider when deciding on whether you are a fan of simple outfits and patterns or complex ones. The first and most important one is your personality and values. The second and only marginally less important is your physicality.
6. How to Select You
r Best Neutrals

Neutrals are not universal. There are warm and cool neutrals just as there are warm and cool colours. You can choose black because that is freely available in every clothing store around the world. That’s the easy way …. but it’s definitely not necessarily the best way for you, nor will it potentially be your most flattering choice. Eeek Imogen! I hear you cry. What are my options now that black is not my best friend? What to choose instead? The best way to choose your most flattering neutrals is to look at your own colouring and use the colours that are innate in you.
7. 5 Minute Face Mask Plus More Face Mask Patterns

The COVID-19 pandemic was the biggest influencer of the year and wearing a mask can help protect you and those around you if you are in an area with community transmission, and physical distancing is not possible, like on public transport. Even if you are new to sewing this free face mask pattern uses easy to find fabrics and can be sewn up in just a few minutes. These reusable face masks can be washed and used again. Here is my quick and easy contoured face mask pattern…
8. Defining Your Whole-Life Style Recipe

Every morning my husband and I walk around our local park with the dogs. We pass many of the same people on our jaunt each day and over time I’ve started “naming” these people using something that identifies them. In essence, I’ve created a style recipe for each of these people that I pass in the park. If you were walking around my park, what would you like me or others to pick up about you?
9. When Your Colour Analysis Result Is Not What You Expected

Have you had a personal color analysis and you’re not sure about the colours – or they are so different from what you expected? Maybe the colours are not as bright as the ones you’ve been wearing? Maybe they are lighter or they are the opposite undertone. Or there are just some colours you love and look really great and others that you are more meh about… I explain a few reasons and share tips on what to do if this happens to you.
10. Getting the Balance Right with Your Colour Contrast

Over on my 7 Steps VIP Facebook group, there has been lots of talk about color contrast and how to make sure you have enough color contrast in an outfit, without ending up wearing lots of different coloured garments. So how to do you get the balance of colours with neutrals right for you and then use multiple colours too, if your color contrast is higher? Learn how to balance your color contrast so that you look stylish and not like a clown on steroids….