Culture Magazine

Your Stories: Heartbreak to Happiness

By Englishwifeindianlife

I first met beautiful Chloe, from Australia, on Instagram. I have followed her story for a while and I can see how much the love of her husband has nourished her and helped her grow. Sometimes in life, people break our hearts and we swear to ourselves we will never love again. Then a special someone comes along and puts the pieces back together… When you love someone, you assume you can trust them. When you’re in a relationship with that someone, who you love and trust, and then you find out they are cheating on you, your world and your heart fall apart. I was devastated and I thought I would never love or trust anyone again. Still devastated, I met a guy through a mutual friend on Facebook, I thought nothing of it and after a couple of conversations, we lost contact. I didn’t think about him, he was just an account on Facebook to me, plus I was still nursing my broken heart. One day, I stumbled across his Facebook profile again, but this time it was different. I told everyone, including my family, that I had met this new man through online study, which is partly true I guess. On my 21st birthday, I [...]

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