Little black dresses are always a staple in my closet. This one Everyday Dress in particular from Winnie and James is one of the comfiest black dresses I own! I love to dress it up with cute booties for the fall, or heels for a date night out with Zach! It's flowy, loose fitting and did I mention extremely soft? It almost feels like a giant nightgown, but you can actually wear out in public! I'm going to be wearing it so much this fall!
I'm actually super excited that it's Friday because last night I surprised Zach with tickets to a Falcons game thanks to my coworker! He had no idea what was in store when I picked him up from work and was so appreciative for a little date night during the work week. We also went with a coworker and his friend so the 4 of us had a great time together! Hoping you all have a great start to a fun weekend!
Thanks to my girl Kelsey for some amazing photos! By the way, I was almost CRYING with all the mosquitoes that were attacking my legs in this photo. Thank goodness they still came out amazing! Anyone else just a feast fest for those little suckers?!
What are your plans for this long Labor Day Weekend?!