Oxford English Dictionary (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Considering you to learn English language at its advanced level? Clearly, you might have thought that conversational English is more than enough since this is the most essential part why most people are learning the universal language right? Of course, you might have thought that for you to learn English at language school is to bridge the communicative gap that we have and to make our world even smaller.
But we’re going to discuss the larger perspective about what English language has for us. You see, the language is not just about communication. Merely, it’s also about knowledge and learning. So let’s take a step higher and detail the most difficult and longest English words that we know of.
I don’t need to ask you whether you are interested with these or not because I know you are hardly interested with it. Just feel free to add up your stock knowledge in the English language and be familiar with the following words you might not have heard before in your entire English learning life.
According to the source, this word—very long 27-letter word—appeared in Love’s Labour’s Lost, Act V, Scene I. the word actually means honorableness or invincible glorious.
Such long word with lots of letters, isn’t it? Don’t bother counting them, it’s already 28. Anyway, this word is so far the best known long word in the phase of English language learning. Its literal meaning is “opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church, esp. the Anglican Church in 19th-century England”. You can try to Google this, if you want.
According to the site where I researched this, it is this word known as a non-scientific English word and it appears in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Counting these letters takes you a while, so I’ll just say it now. It’s 30.