Dec 01, 2020 | 07:00:25 IST
See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign
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What if we’re all just living in a simulation? What if the things we give so much importance to are not the things that will matter in the end? As a ‘number four year’, 2020 gave us all the chills and thrills synonymous with the planet Uranus, and helped us recalibrate on many levels. So, I urge you to commit to the practice of looking for silver linings even when it’s hard to, and leaving a trail of stars behind no matter where you go. Soon, you’ll be grateful for the moments that threatened to break you too.
Virgo, this holds especially true for you, given the trials and tribulations you are likely to face over this month. Should that be the reason you give up something that feels *this* sacred? Anything but. The cards are reminding you that ‘happily ever after’ is not a far-fetched dream. So, focus on awakening the qualities of love, compassion, and tenderness within yourself. Taurus, beware of what is being mirrored back to you by your partner. Old wounds could resurface unexpectedly, urging you to dedicate yourself to the inner work. Working through your rejection/abandonment issues could be the secret to turning this script around. Temporary separation is indicated for you, Scorpio. Remember the old cliché ‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder’ as and when you feel weighed down.
So, what does December 2020 hold for the rest of the signs when it comes to matters of the heart? Let’s hop in and find out.
Aries Love Horoscope for December 2020
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It’s a month of many firsts, Aries. A time of feeling your passion fully, and letting go of the walls that stand in the way of you and your beloved. Things are only going to get better from here, provided you make the effort to meet them halfway. Those who’ve been together for a while could find themselves talking about the future and actively working towards their forever together. Yes, this could mean moving halfway across the world for some of you. PS: It’s time to get the tribe involved, as they’ll be more than happy to hold space for this cosmic union.
Power crystal: Two words: Clean slate. Let the magick of clear quartz help you dream up a new reality for yourself—right now and in this moment.
Taurus Love Horoscope for December 2020

The thing about old wounds is that they have a way of resurfacing unexpectedly. Beware of what’s being mirrored back to you, Taurus, as you dedicate yourself to the inner work. If that means spending some time apart, so be it. Dealing with issues related to rejection/abandonment could be the secret to turning this script around, beloved. A turn of the tide is indicated for Venusians who have been consciously working through their issues over the past year. You are stepping into a time of peace and harmony—a time when you will feel fully supported by one another.
Power crystal: Our fears open the door to our greatest learnings. Turn to pinkish-orange rhodochrosite to help you overcome that which has been holding you back.
Gemini Love Horoscope for December 2020

December could start off on a rather introspective note for you. You’re looking back not just at 2020, but also at how things have shaped up for you over the past few years. Remember, these experiences made you who you are today. So let go of the victim narrative, along with the irrational fears that are keeping you from embracing love in its most glorious form. On the upside, your time off the radar could provide you with much-needed clarity on the next step. It’s a time of confessing your true feelings towards each other and working towards that ‘together forever’ you’ve envisioned for yourself.
Power crystal: The infamous heart opener, rose quartz, is just the stone you want to work with over the next few weeks.
Cancer Love Horoscope for December 2020

The thing about playing within your comfort zone is that it leads to stagnation, and stagnation is the enemy of growth. This month, you’re in the mood to change things up, embark on a brand new adventure, and meet your true self. It’s time to ask yourself the potent questions, ‘Who am I really?’ and ‘What are the things that matter to me?’ Remember, you can’t seek love outside until you’ve made love to the beloved within. For some, this is also a month of second chances. Your time apart from a special someone has given you much-needed clarity on what you desire and how you can make things work, should you decide to come together. Tread cautiously, Cancer. There could be one last cataclysmic event before the Universe brings you back together.
Power crystal: Fool’s gold, or the pyrite, is a feel-good crystal that not only activates the energy of creativity and confidence, but also helps you feel positive when you need it the most.
Leo Love Horoscope for December 2020

December 2020 finds you kissing not-so-coyly under the mistletoe. If you’ve been seeing each other for a while, this is the month to make up your mind and admit your true feelings towards them. Not to mention, plan that sacred ceremony you’ve visualised for years and years now. Given the state of affairs, it’s best to keep things simple and celebrate this big moment with your main crew only. For single Leos, the option to go out and meet new people may be limited. However, something tells us you’re embracing this opportunity to nurture your gifts and meet your true self, who has been yearning for your company.
Power crystal: Opal is synonymous with love, passion and desire—and promises to be your accomplice on this journey you are about to embark at this moment.
Virgo Love Horoscope for December 2020

Love doesn’t always look and feel like rainbows and sunshine. Not that we need to remind the oh-so-practical Virgo about the trials and tribulations synonymous with matters of the heart. Should that be the reason we give up something that feels *this* sacred, or hold onto that false sense of security when life calls? Anything but! Spirit is reminding you that a ‘happily ever after’ is not such a far-fetched dream, and that there is a way to work things out despite what transpired in the past. So, bring love, compassion, and tenderness into the equation. Vow to be fully present to one another. The light at the end of the tunnel is going to make itself visible soon enough.
Power crystal: Synonymous with the energy of the Divine Mother or the feminine principle, moonstone is known to activate our spiritual sight and help bring the energy of peace and harmony in our lives.
Libra Love Horoscope for December 2020

Stephen Fry once said, “It’s the useless things that make life worth living and that make life dangerous too: wine, love, art, and beauty. Without them, living is safe, but not worth bothering with.” You’re really vibing with this philosophy, Libra, and are in the mood to embrace the Venusian lifestyle with a newfound passion. Spoiling your beloved with all kinds of worldly pleasures is big on your agenda too—and you’ll go to any lengths in order to bring a smile to their face. Those flying solo are in the mood to indulge their dreams and desires too. Reconnecting with somebody you felt a spark with in the past may also be on the cards. PS: Don’t let distance be a buzzkill at this party, as the virtual world offers a plethora of options to keep this fire burning.
Power crystal: Citrine is known to be quite the joie de vivre stone, activating the energy of joy, creativity, and celebration in your life.
Scorpio Love Horoscope for December 2020

The old cliché ‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder’ holds true for you and the circumstances you have found yourself in, Scorpio. You may be apart, but you’re still one. Remembering that is what’s helping you get through this storm. Trust that you will have many revelations in the process—revelations that will help you move past the small stuff and focus on the love that binds you together. The not-so-good news is that some of you may be faced with a case of bad timing when it comes to matters of the heart. While you’re ready to move to the next level, their circumstances may not allow them to meet you halfway.
Power crystal: Turn to lapis lazuli, also known as the wisdom keeper, in order to perceive your circumstances from a higher perspective.
Sagittarius Love Horoscope for December 2020

Given the state of affairs, it will be easy to make this about you. But it isn’t, Sagittarius, and it never was. Recognise how they are operating from a space of pain, fear and trauma, and that getting close to them would have a cataclysmic effect on your life too. Trust that the Universe is protecting you by keeping you apart at this moment. On the other hand, archers who’ve survived the lockdown together will find that their bond is getting stronger by the day and that what they once perceived as differences are only bringing them closer.
Power crystal: Blue lace agate is known to be one of the most calming stones in the crystal kingdom, one that promises to alleviate stress in this time of uncertainty.
Capricorn Love Horoscope for December 2020

What do you do when everything sits right but the timing is off? The cards want you to stop repeating the victim narrative and trust that things are taking place for your highest good. Perhaps, you both need to work on your individual goals before you come together as an A-team. Releasing the energy of worry will make space for miracles. Besides, nobody can keep your Destiny from fulfilling itself. Single Saturnians are being encouraged to embrace the spirit of play. The time to put yourself out there has come, beloved. You never know who might make a move on you while you’re casually scrolling through your Instagram feed near the Christmas tree.
Power crystal: Keep the humble rose quartz handy for when you want Cupid to play on your team.
Aquarius Love Horoscope for December 2020

We can blame our circumstances endlessly, but the truth is, each one of us is responsible for what is and isn’t taking place in our reality. This month, you’re understanding how the microcosm affects the macrocosm as you actively work towards creating a shift. The Universe is holding space for you to bring more synergy into your life *and* your relationships. Remember, open and honest communication is the key, and will help you work through the differences consciously. Those who are working towards a ‘happily ever after’ will find themselves focusing on the material needs and building a solid and secure future together.
Power crystal: Red garnet will not just boost your manifestation abilities, but also bring passion and devotion into the relationship. It is a stone that symbolises commitment, after all!
Pisces Love Horoscope for December 2020

December 2020 is likely to bring with itself a whole new set of challenges. If you’ve been feeling something’s off, it probably is. Allow things to come to the surface so you can work through the issues together as an A-team. Remember to be patient and compassionate towards one another as you do. You’ll know whether or not you have a future together by the end of the month. Some of you may decide to go your separate ways, for now at least, and that’s okay. Remember to be tender towards yourself too as you release any feelings of guilt. What the Universe wants you to remember: you will be taken care of no matter what you choose.
Power crystal: Dealing with unresolved trauma is seldom easy. Let rhodonite be your ally on this self-healing journey.
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