Lifestyle Magazine

Your Hair Might Be Trying to Tell You Something

By Savvybrown @savvybrownblog

After I washed my hair this week, I noticed something.


A lot of it.

Not on my head.

After my detangling session I noticed that I’d shed much more hair than usual and needless to say I was a bit alarmed. This was the second time it had happened. I racked my brain trying to think of any new product that I’d been using or change in my regimen that my hair could be reacting to. But there wasn’t. What has changed recently is me.

I’ve been under a lot of stress lately, between traveling for work, my Dad being in and out of the hospital (he’s had several strokes), the site redesign, and a leak in my house from all this rain, I haven’t been on my “A” game. Late nights resulted in less workouts and tired days, which led to coffee jolts, which triggered my insomnia. I actually lost weight, but not by being healthy….I just didn’t make the time to eat that often, which would lead to more tiredness, which would lead to…yep, you guessed it…more coffee. So there I was, standing in the shower with a handful of dry, brittle, dull hair I had just pulled from my comb when it hit me.


Maybe it’s not the products I’ve been using, maybe it’s me.

We don’t realize how much ou hair is affected by our day-to-day lifestyle. I’ve been here before, that’s why I recognize the symptoms. there’s a reason why your hair falls out, just like there’s a reason why we get headaches. Many times when our curls get dry, dull or break off, we automatically think that it’s the products we’re using. (And sometimes it is). But most of the time, it’s something simple like we need more water, or protein in our systems.

So I deep conditioned and twisted as usual and this week I’ll keep my hair pinned up as much as possible, or bun it, and I won’t wait any longer than 7 days before I wash/deep condition again. I’m also going to be more conscious of my water intake, purposefully eat some fruit for or with my breakfast and make sure I have something green on my plate for lunch and dinner.


I’m going to bed now.

header image credit: sam74100 / 123RF Stock Photo

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