- Your government is not working.
- Your government does not care about you.
- Your government does not care if you lose your unemployment insurance.
- Your government does not care if you and your children are thrown out of your home during the Winter time.
- Your government does not care if you or your children go hungry.
- Your government does not care about your basic rights as a human being.
- Your government is not working.
- Your government does not care about you.
- Your government is only interested in protecting the rich.
- Your government is not a real democracy.
- Your government’s Constitution was written to benefit only rich, white males.
- Your government says money is power, not votes.
- Your government is not working.
- Your government does not care about you.
- We need a government that insures us good jobs and good money.
- We need a government with leaders that act in the interest of the people.
- We need a government that guarantees food, shelter, and equality.
- We need a government that is truly for the people.
- Your government is not working.
- Your government does not care about you.