Are You Looking for Inspiration and Innovation?
You're Invited
This weekend the authors from the Amazon 1# bestseller "Innovation Secrets" are hosting a free Global Summit as a follow-up to the book launch.
It's a free online event with a wildly diverse lineup of inspired speakers, each with something unique to show you about how to bring innovation into your world.
I'm presenting a 45-minute session 9am Saturday 25th September ( find the time and date in your location here) called Inside Out Style - Expressing Your Personal Values Through Your Image - where I'll give you practical tips on how to express your values through your style to create an authentic image.
Register to get the Zoom link for my session here right now.
Here is a quick snapshot of the sessions this weekend:Joanne Martin: Opening Ceremony
Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP Lamport: Inside Out Style - Expressing Your Personal Values Through Your Image
Christina Kim: Architectural Harmony in work and learning space design
Alex Knysh: Energy in Business
Robyn Greaves: Career innovation - how to use design thinking at work
Julie Watson: Positivity v Confidence
Chamundai Curran: Happiness Masterclass - 4 Secrets to Stress Less and Supercharge your wellbeing
Charli Fels (Brandon) Fels: Strut! Become Wildly Unstoppable & Activate the Brand in You
Katy Bartlett: Level Up with Katy
Jason Engelbrecht and Shelly Healing to Restore Calm and Balance
Trish Richards: Self Mastery
Dr. Elysa Roberts: Harness the Science-Backed Power of Pleasure to Boost Your Mood, Mind, Body & Bottom-Line
Gabrielle Bailey: Three ways VALUES guide your Game of Life
Shelley (aka Mantrini) McConaghy and I: Healing to restore calm and balance
Mark Boyle: Sharing Ok-ness
Book your sessions here free right now (all sessions are free)
I hope to see you there LIVE!
Don't forget you can get a copy of the Kindle or Paperback version of the book on Amazon now !