My friend Carolyn found this great idea for a restaurant on Creativity Online.
Basically, if you don’t feel like linking or watching the video, here’s what a restaurant Comodo did: realized people are already taking photos of their food and posting them on Instagram with comments and recommendations.
So they thought they’d get in on that.
Instead of a menu with big, sunny, colorful pictures like Denny’s or something, they retain their classy all-type easy-to-change-frequently menu—and send you to Instagram to see photos of the food.
I’ll tell you what. Those photos look delicious.
I think one of the main reasons restaurants and other companies resist social media (besides the extra man-hours it requires) is they fear the loss of control
If you’ve ever slaved painstakingly under hot lights over the perfect ratio of chopped onion to mustard in a photo shoot, you can’t rest entirely easy that your restaurant’s reputation rests on a consumer snapping a plate of food you haven’t personally approved.
But you should rest easy.
Real food looks great. Check it out on your Instagram (you do Instagram, don’t you?) at #ComodoMenu.

Psssst: coulda been you that thought of this, but instead it was Comodo.
So if you want to be the first (or first noticed) to do something with social media, get on it. There are still some good ideas out there. Right?