In This Video
0.08 I have gained weight due to health issues and have let my hair go grey. So I’m not sure what works for my age and shape (59 yrs young)! Also naturally large busted and short-waisted. Help me not look sloppy and old 4.50 I have taken the style personality quiz and I came up as dramatic. I think I am that personality but my lifestyle now is retired with grandchildren. I have a more relaxed way of life. My question is how do I dress casually with dramatic elements. I never wear heels nowadays. My life is going to the pub, the gym, and walks with friends and holidays with grandchildren, no work pressure. I find it harder to dress in a more relaxed style without looking overdressed 7.52 I have several silky large square scarves, Hermes style although the fabric is not as sturdy and they don’t hold any shapes….they don’t seem appropriate for daytime given the fabric, but I have no idea how one would wear them in an evening look. Any advice on how these should be worn?How to avoid looking sloppy
How Not to Look Like Mutton Dressed as Lamb
Dramatic Dressing Style
Colour Personality – 3. Bold – Dramatic
How to Create Dramatic Outfits When Your Most Flattering Colours are Soft and Smoky
Simple Outfits vs Complex Ones – Which Should You Choose?
How to wear scarves
32 Ways to Tie a Scarf
How to Style a Scarf as a Cowl Neck Top
How to Create an Outfit Around Your Scarf
In This Video
0.10 I have too many things I don’t really wear but feel too bad to chuck them out. I know they say we only wear 20% ? of what’s in our wardrobe – probably true for me. I can’t seem to let go of the stuff and live my dream of having a capsule wardrobe! 10.01 I struggle with making the effort to dress stylishly when I don’t have many places to go and am not sure how to find my authentic style 16.20 I’m baffled by my body shape and not sure what suits meSigns It’s Time To Let Go
4 Questions to Help You Let Go of Expensive or Sentimental Clothing
When is it Time to Let Go of the Trends You Love?
8 Tips to Help You Declutter Your Wardrobe
Finding You Authentic Style
Tips on Finding and Defining Your Authentic Style DNA
The Inspiration You Need to Create Your Style Recipe
Expressing Your Style, Your Way
Get your Style Education
9 Ways Knowing Your Best Colours Will Change Your Life as Well as Your Wardrobe
How to Train Your Eye To Create Stylish Outfits
When You Can’t Find the Perfect Colours in Clothing What is the Most Important Colour Property?