Now that Netflix has uploaded season 2 of Young Justice it’s the best time to rewatch the series, especially as doing so might mean Netflix picking the show up for a third season. (Though if you live in the UK like me you have to watch it through Amazon Prime and just share around posts about it). This Re(af)Watch series is not quite a review, more of an opinion piece about each episode as I rewatch them. Covering all 46 episodes of the show, and hopefully any beyond that. Continuing on with episode 12, Homefront.
Episode synopsis: It’s Artemis’ first day at her new school, that also happens to have Dick Grayson attending it. After a rather uneventful day she ‘bumps’ into Robin as they both Zeta to the Cave, then they find the Cave on fire and under attack. Robin and Artemis must Die Hard there way around the Cave and figure out how to save the rest of the Team. Their attackers are a pair of Red Tornado lookalikes, controlling fire and water rather than tornadoes, and they are holding the rest of the Team hostage. They’ll kill the whole Team unless Robin and Artemis surrender, so a plan is made. Robin, with some help from Kid Flash, makes an EMP generator that’ll disable the androids. But Robin gets captured in the process, leaving Artemis to get it together and save them all. She sets off the EMP, saves everyone, and the day is won. Except when Red Tornado comes back to the Cave the EMP wears off and he attacks the Team, leaving them unconscious while he and his siblings escape. Leaving us with the question, did Red Tornado betray the Team, and was he the mole?

By orders from
Cartoon Network
Young Justice is
now on hiatus!
The show will
return in six months
… maybe.