Animals & Wildlife Magazine

You’ve Heard About Dogs Used to Sniff Drugs Etc but What About Honeybees?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

So far I’ve heard about dogs for drugs, termites and bed bugs, pigs for truffles, rats for bombs and now honeybees are being trained to sniff out bombs. I think this is a great idea, and its happening in a place where it is needed. Croatian scientists training bees to detect explosives and landmines, they are training the honeybees to focus on TNT.

Apparently honeybees are able to smell flowers from about 2.7 miles and are equal or better than dogs. Now just for the record I would hate to see dogs used in this mission, I guess it is necessary just like Police dogs but terrible when one gets hurt. By the way I support the intentional injuring or killing of a police dog to that of killing a Police Officer and should be a felony.

  This is Blaze, K9 partner of  a Orange County, FL Sheriff Deputy Nicholas Blazina. Nick was one of the Scouts of Troop 234 Longwood, Fl where I was an Assistant Scoutmaster. Great job Nick & Blaze and thank you for your service to Protect and Serve.

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