I cannot lie or deny that when I was angry with fierce hatred for God on account of a combination of things that I still till this day do not like or appreciate to venerate my beautiful Ancestors and Orishas nothing negative had become of that choice I had made.
It was a positive experience for me, a natural connection for me as I was called when Elegba came looking for me.
What I loved and respected most about the legitimate Orishas that I spiritually dealt with was that one cannot go to them on their own- the Orishas must summon you.
They do not just want or accept anyone in comparison to Jesus.
Elegba, of course, did or does not have the power to create, but he has the power to destroy.
What I dislike about the one and only God (Jehovah) is that he gives life to anything and will accept anyone who comes to him.
In my opinion, he should not have given life to everybody. I would have preferred not to have been born if I had to share a world with certain types of people and undesirable conditions of life that I have no interest, concern, or agreement to the nature of.
I feel like if he was going to create certain types of people, things, and ways of life, then he should have separated us to put the trash on a section of the earth with the other trash and let them all be the stupid undesirable garbage that they all are together.
It is believed by some that Orishas are demons posing as such- as Lucifer will disguise himself as an angel of light.
However, we all do not know everything there is to know about creation and the spirit realm.
All I know is that I have seen through my third eye and experienced visions and have had significant/meaningful paranormal encounters within dreams and while fully awake here on earth regarding the Orishas that prove otherwise.
Deep down inside I still have love for Oshun, Elegba, Ogun, Orunmila, and another Orisha that appeared to me within the past.
The deities treated me with nothing but love, kindness and respect. And there was nothing but peace and protection around me at the time.
What I also loved about the Orishas is that they had a raw sense of humor when the situation called for it. They made me burst into laughter unexpectedly one time when an active scene/vision was reflected to me.