Religion Magazine

Yoelish Krausz Calls on the Peleg Yerushalmi to Go to the Army

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Yoelish Krausz was always a funny guy in his own unique way.
For a pretty extreme guy, as he is a classic Eida guy who is Anti-State in every fiber of his being, he just said something pretty strange.
Krausz criticized the "Peleg" people for their protests against the State and the IDF draft. Krausz called them hypocrites for taking money for their yeshivos and for the child social benefits and monies from Bituach Leumi but then refusing to be drafted by the IDF. Krausz says you cannot hold the rope form both ends. Someone who is against the draft, cannot also take the State's money, as he does not.
Not only does Krausz call them hypocrites, but he even suggests that they stop protestign and blocking roads but instead find 1000 yeshiva students from within their groups and let them be drafted into the IDF. Krausz suggests that they go to the army and try to change the army from the inside, which he knows will never be successful - and once it is not successful, he makes a big assumption that the IDF will throw them all out and put an end to the attempt to draft the Haredi community into the army, because, as Krausz repeats the oft-repeated claim that the IDF does nto really need the Haredim in the army - so once the see they cannot change the Haredim, they will give up. It is a big, and very dangerous, assumption.
Krausz then also thanks the police for arresting him and shutting down the slaughterhouse in Mea Shearim that was under his authority. He thanks them because it was just a burden for him and they relieved him of that burden - he says he is a vegetarian anyway so he did not benefit from it and he was operating it at a loss and he was just keeping it open as a cheesed to provide the locals with the shechita at the level fo chumros and hakpados they desired..
Regarding Shabbos, he continues to participate in the Eida hafganot against chilul shabbos, because the Eida demands it, but he himself thinks the problem of chilul shabbos in jerusalem is very minor as most pf the people in the bars are non-Jews, and maybe a small number of "tinok shenishba" secular Jews, as Jerusalem has 300,000 non-Jewish residents, and with the taxis and vehicle services as well he thinks most are non-jews...
source: Kikar
Definitely a unique guy and a unique perspective, especially for somebody from his community.....
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