Current Magazine

Yetis Are 95 Percent Certain to Exist in Siberia, Says Kemerovo Government

Posted on the 11 October 2011 by Periscope @periscopepost
Yetis are 95 percent certain to exist in Siberia, says Kemerovo government

Photographs of the creature are surprisingly rare. Photo credit: JD Hancock

An international conference of scientists and yeti enthusiasts claims to be 95 percent sure that there are Yetis living in the Siberian mountains. The conference was held in the region of Kemerovo, and an expedition into the mountains, lead by a team of specialist scientists, has found “incontrovertible evidence” of the elusive beast’s existence, the Guardian reported.

Convincing evidence. In a statement released by the Kemerovo administration, it was revealed that the researchers discovered various bent branches, a footprint, and even a hair that may belong to the mythical man. Biologist and Yeti enthusiast John Binderangel called the twisted branches they found “convincing evidence of this hominoid”, while there have been some calls to open a dedicated research centre. The Daily Mail reported that Dr Igor Burtsev, the leader of the international event, boldly declared, “we are close to finally finding the Abominable Snowman.”

The conference also heard from an American woman who “regularly feeds Yeti in her back garden in Michigan.”

Sceptical. The conscientious researchers maintain that the vital hair sample should be analysed for DNA before conclusions can be drawn. Russian news outlet Russia Today warned “this ambitious expedition seems to have those involved going in circles”, concerned by the total absence of any real evidence of the Bigfoot’s presence. But suggestions that this is nothing but a publicity stunt designed to draw tourists to the area have been rejected by the “scientists”, and Dr Burtsev, the Sun reported, is far more concerned about the practicalities of the new discovery: “We need to think about how to integrate the Yeti into society. Should they be treated as normal citizens? Should they be treated like animals? No, because they are more intelligent. There’s a lot to think about here.”

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