This map was produced from a scholarly study by researchers
from Boston Children's Hospital and published this March in JAMA
Internal Medicine. It shows a correlation between strong gun laws and
firearms fatalities
States with more gun regulations had lower rates of gun deaths, and
states with less gun laws had higher gun death rates, both in terms of
suicide and homicide.
Direct causation could not be determined, but at the very least, such
a strong correlation should make it clear that existing public policy
in many states with lax gun laws comes at a high price: more dead
mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters and others.
In addition, higher firearm ownership rates were also heavily
correlated with higher firearm fatalities, and lower ownership rates
were correlated with stronger gun control legislation.
And if you
are going to say "Well, that's just one study..." remember that the
reason that government funding has been cut for ANYTHING which can
provide this type of data has been cut on the basis that it could be
used to "promote gun control".
Why cut the research funding if the truth is on your side?