Fashion Magazine

Yay! I Made It to 500 Posts! Plus a Beauty Tag...

By Dressmeupbuttercup @hazelsalcedo

Look what Tumblr sent me a few days ago! 


It’s a badge telling me I made 500 posts already! My reaction was a toss between “wow, 500 already?!!!” and “just 500? feels like I’ve written a million blog post already!” Hahaha but this is amazing! I never really track that, so yeah, thanks for the heads up, Tumblr team! I feel like I’ve crossed a rite of passage here or something and now I’m included in the “Five Hundred Posts Society.” #likeaboss

Anywhooo. Elena of Bumble Bea Me tagged me to do this errr, tag (woops. how redundant of me! haha). It looks fun so I’m doing it! Go and see my answers below, cammoon mamon, I know you want to! ;)


  1. What makes you want to blog? Ahhh, the one million dollar question! The truth is, I’ve been blogging for many years already, long before blogging even became popular. Does Xanga or Geocities ring a bell? No? The whole html, web design and shizz really appealed to me back then that I even took computer-related course in college (but then shifted cos it’s NOT easy, I’m telling you. Ha!). My blog posts before were nothing short of depressing. The good thing is I’m waaaaay past that and now talking about topics I’m passionate about. (and thank god, i don’t do emo posts now, if ever I do… please knock the hell out of me, asap. k?)
  2. Your morning skin routine? Wash my face, definitely, is the first step in my morning skin routine. Then, I apply toner. On days I’m feeling more diligent, moisturizer gets applied on ze face. 
  3. Your favorite blogger? No one in particular! I love you all equally, mwah mwah mwah! :)
  4. A beauty product you couldn’t live without? Hmm this is a tough one! Probably right now it has to be any lip product. Someone told me I look pale and sick when I forgot to apply lipstick that day. Hahaha wow, so it really IS true that lipstick brings life to the face, huh? 
  5. Your favorite make-up brand (drugstore)? Maybelline. 
  6. Your favorite make-up brand (High-end)? Benefit, if that’s even considered high-end? Haha, don’t worry if I get to the point where I can afford Chanel makeup, I’ll update this post. Haha kidding. 
  7. What is your staple wardrobe item? CARDIGAN! I get cold easily, booohoo! 

And that’s it! I don’t know if it’s really just up to 7 items, but there you go! I’m tagging everyone! Please leave a link to your blog post (or youtube video if that’s what you fancy) so I can see yours! Have a lovely week ahead, buttercups! <3

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