Religion Magazine

Yated Neeman in Arabic

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
After Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir continued his provocations surrounding Har Habayit, with continuing to encourage open prayer and bowing on Har Habayit, with speaking out about planning to build a shul on Har Habayit and having one of his ministers push a plan to have the government fund tours on Har Habayit... while PM Netanyahu doesn't censure him and continues to just say there has been no change to the status quo on Har Habayit, the Yated Neeman newspaper put a scathing attack on its front page of today's edition.
To note, I support changing the status quo on Har Habayit and think anyone who believes in freedom of religious worship and other personal freedoms should as well.
So the Yated printed the following:
Yated Neeman in Arabic
The blurb in the top right corner, leading to a full article further in, talks about how it is seriously prohibited by Jewish law to go to Har Habayit and it mentions the political pyromaniac stirring things up again, etc.. They included a translation into Arabic so the Arabs would know that they do not support Ben Gvir's statements or behavior and call for Jews to not go and to keep the status quo and even break it in the favor of the Arabs.
I do wonder about that Arabic translation. How many Arabs out there are reading Yated Neeman, even on just a somewhat regular basis, that they decided they need to be completely clear so they won't be misunderstood?
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