Last night i decided to weigh in on the Mississippi Senate Republican Primary Between Whacked out Chris McDaniels and and a sdeenly moderate federalist incarnation of what was once Thad Cochran. I didn’t realize it would be huge!
I mentioned Tea Bagger Maniac McDaniels had refused to concede. No Tea Bagger ever concedes in the conventional sense. They freak out and claimn fraud no matter how crushing the vote tally. So, like Herman Cain before him and Joe Miller before him McDaniels went on a wild scorched earth rant about the GOP. He openly questioned its Conservative legitimacy. He did more than imply that a thrid party was needed. Typical Bagger shit, right? Yes but this time soooo much more.
Enter Snowbilly Grifter Sarah Palin, a woman without a soul or a real source of income outside her own bug mouth. She seized on McDaniels comments made a demand, semi Patrick Henry-like, of Give Me a Conservative Republican Party or Give That Party Death! Rush Limbaugh, who also needs to blow a lot of hot air to stay rich, went full tilt on the third party option, that being the Tea Party.
The Tea Party is going solo in some states, and more and more will follow suit quickly. Believe it.
Whats this say for the Republicans? they have birthed a monster to be sure. Their maladjusted latchkey kid Tea Party is a paranoid gun nut who hates his parents as much as anything else. The little bastard is hing to take a chunk out of them. In the short term the GOP is going to end up suffering serious setbacks, but they will always shill hard for big business and so they will survive. In the long term they need a new outlook. Thad Cochran ran toward the middle and won like that. Other old school republicans may just follow suit. It saved Cochran’s ass when he was considered dead and buried. If they choose to take a similar approach, which included a healthy dose of Federalism, they will need to drop some other extreme ideas too, but this may actually help.
The Venn Diagram of the Tea Party/GOP has been in motion since McDaniels meltdown (way to perpetuate the Irish stereotype of ungoverned anger, dick) and I think will remain so for the foreseeable future