Xander Audios, committed to bringing quality sound experience to Indian Markets, brings in the latest 'XAT -909BT' Tower speakers, embodying the advanced acoustic engineering & inspired industrial design, delivering a legendary, powerful sonic signature which takes the 'live' music concept into a new realm at an affordable price of Rs. 20,490/-
A performer unlike any other, the Tower Speaker makes a striking visual statement with its vintage inspired looks that is every bit as elegant and passionate as the sound. With its dramatic styling the design shall complement every modern décor creating a luxurious balance of performance and lifestyle.
These speakers are covered by one year warranty and the company covers all states for the same. Standing tall the product is already available with leading retail stores and from xanderaudios.com.
Key Features of BIG and BOLD 'XAT - 909BT' Tower Speakers:- BIG and BOLD 'XAT - 909BT' Tower Speakers.
- Karaoke Function with Wireless Mic .
- 35,000Watt PMPO.
- Heavy Duty Retro Design.
- Priced at Rs. 20,490/-
- 4 full range driver and 4 - 10" bass driver.
- Easily connected to your PC, TV, MP3 player and includes a USB port and an SD card slot.
- Have incorporated Bluetooth connectivity.