Fashion Magazine

X-Mas Gifts A Brother ACTUALLY Wants

By Cefashion @cefashion

We have all been on the receiving end of the lynx box set, the comical and often novelty tie or the dreaded Christmas-themed sock/jumper. Well luckily I am here to make sure you resist those urges to reciprocate the “gesture” and to make sure you acknowledge that it really ISN’T the thought that counts.

Now I’m not claiming that this guide will solve all your present-giving conundrums but hopefully some of the suggestions will help guide you along the right path and move you sharply away from that budget, reality TV-star, aftershave you are sniffing so inquisitively.

First things first you need to remember that different people will appreciate different gifts. For example my hideously nerdy brother might not like receiving a free skydiving lesson like your adrenaline fuelled psycho sibling. So have a good think about the kind of person they are and try to forget what you like for a moment.

Now is the interesting part. A list of 7 (probably) great gift ideas for your brothers. I will let you know why it is a good gift, where you can get it from and what kind of ‘bro’ will appreciate/deserve it.

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1.   Brooklyn Brew Shop Beer Making Kits

The list isn’t in any particular order but this feels like the perfect place to start. The title pretty much lets you know everything you need to. Basically it is the gift that keeps on giving – Beer. Costing a mouth-watering £39.99 the Brooklyn brew shop beer making kit is a guaranteed favourite for those brothers you love, but wouldn’t mind having minor liver irritations throughout January.

In all seriousness this is a great gift idea that is guaranteed to take pride of place on the kitchen worktop come 15:13 on Christmas day. Brooklyn Brew Shop also offer a number of different flavours for the picky amongst us including: Bruxelles Blonde, Chestnut Brown Ale, Chocolate Maple Porter, Everyday IPA and much, much more. Each pack contains enough ingredients for roughly ten beers but also uses easily sourced produce to stop it from becoming the next soda stream, destined for a life of infamy hidden behind the Jacobs Cracker box (empty) in that awkward to reach cupboard.

2.   Rhino Shield for iPhone/iPad or any other Apple products

This is the ideal present for that little brother who never grew out of that crucial “falling” stage in a baby’s development. The Rhino Shield is made from custom-formulated polymer which makes it five times stronger than Gorilla Glass and enables it to absorb some pretty harsh blows.

Its only 0.029cm thick making it the ultimate screen protective solution. It may be considered slightly on the expensive side at £17.99 (£19.99 for your stupid larger iPhone 6s) but it still makes a brilliant present for the manual workers/idiots amongst us.

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3.   Philips Body groom Series 5000 Electric Shaver

Now this may seem a slightly invasive gift for a brother but bear with me (pun intended). An electric shaver falls into the “I would never have bought myself that” gift category. It is a practical gift that is affordable and often overlooked.

In particular I selected the Philips Body Groom Series because they are great little pieces of kit that won’t break the bank. At only £36.99 you really can’t go wrong with this present. Encourage your brosef to remove than unsightly goatee and tame his Tom Jones chest hair, which we all know makes him looks like a Mexican wolf-child. From the 80’s.

4.   Star Wars Light-up Chop Sabers.

No explanation necessary. Buy them.

5.   The Pebble Smartwatch

Dubbed as “App on the wrist” the Pebble Smartwatch is the most functional and customisable smartwatch currently in the market. It allows users check texts, tweets and other notifications without the hassle of reaching into those pesky pockets.

The watch comes with its own sophisticated app store as well as being waterproof and pairing with Apple and Android devices. The Pebble was funded through Kickstarter, as many trendy things are, and costs £99.99 RRP. This is definitely one for the wealthier and more loving brothers or perhaps if you have some kind of “keeping up with the Jones’” rivalry going on.

6.   Game Boy Cartridge Soap

I felt like after the Smartwatch the list needed something for all the brothers who don’t really get on. For the brothers who show their love through drunken fist fights, not gifts. So I present to you Game Boy Cartridge soaps. They are the cheapest idea on the list at only £8.99 but don’t let that put you off.

These make a great nostalgic cleaning product and are great an enforcing the knowledge that you are indeed the funny brother. Visit the geeky clean website to see how great they look.

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7.   Romo

Last but by no means least, is Romo. Every boy loves a good robot around Christmas time. Admittedly that’s normally a robot in the form of a remote or microwave but now there is Romo. A self-proclaimed ‘cheeky robot’ with a number of endless and customizable behaviours, Romo is widely tipped to be this Christmases’ must have.

It will set you back a healthy £129.99 but the list of features really are impressive. I won’t bore you by listing them but basically Romo allows your smartphone to come alive, to learn, to interact and even to teach.

Anyway that’s it. The list is complete and hopefully one of these gifts will be perfect for your brother and if not I hope you are left feel inspired.

X-Mas Gifts A Brother ACTUALLY Wants
X-Mas Gifts A Brother ACTUALLY Wants

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