Entertainment Magazine

WUML to Live Broadcast (again) from Lowell Folk Festival

Posted on the 25 July 2014 by Notlobmusic @notlobmusic
If you cannot attend this year's Lowell Folk Festival, tune in to WUML.
If you do plan to attend, drop by to visit the student producer/hosts, who will be set up just as you see below, from the top of Boarding House Park (main stage).
WUML to live broadcast (again) from Lowell Folk Festival
91.5FM WUML, Lowell
2 hours agoWe kick things off live from Boarding House Park at 6:30 tonight. #tunein#lowellfolkfestival #radio
Photo: We kick things off live from Boarding House Park at 6:30 tonight. #tunein #lowellfolkfestival #radio1 ShareUnlikeUnlike ·  · Share

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