Books Magazine

Writing Challenge 41

By Brian Abbott

It’s time for a Writing Challenge!

Each month, The Poisoned Martini presents a photo to spark your creativity.  Such images, because of their visual nature, vividly speak to writers and spark ideas for writing.  View the image below and write a scene, a short story, a chapter, a novella, or maybe even a novel.  Consider what the image means to you, what it reminds you of, or explore what it could be.  Ponder what you see and then put pen to paper of finger to keyboard.

March’s challenge featured a “curious, abandoned place.”  A derelict resort left behind sits along remote road on the Caribbean island of Bonaire.  View the image, taken in February 2015, here.

The first of two images for this month might be somewhat deceptive.  These Lilliputian structures standing by the sea might seem picturesque, but they are mere hovels that belie a dark history.

Huts by the Sea

Happy Writing!

And stay tuned for news related to all of The Poisoned Martini‘s writing challenges coming soon!

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