Books Magazine

Writer Wednesdays: Jeff Goins "You Are a Writer"

By Shawndrarussell

Photo from Donald McAllister

I had a fabulous lazy Sunday reading Jeff Goin's newest ebook, You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One). But my relaxed mood quickly shifted into holy-cow-I-am-so-inspired-I-want-to-start-working-on-my-next-book-NOW mode.
Goins tends to have that effect.
This page-turner is a call to action for anyone thinking about becoming a writer. You can't read it and NOT want to go write something worthy of publishing immediately.
But as a freelance writer for over a year, it is also a great read for non-newbies too because it's a reminder of all the joys, and challenges, of writing. Most notably, Goins emphasizes how important it is to put yourself out there over and over, again and again, to new audiences and old, constantly.
Reading this book came at the perfect time for me as I get ready to self-publish my first novel. The book is an ideal confidence boost that makes me feel like I can do anything, not because he writes like my personal cheerleader or promises the journey will be easy, but because he emphasizes that you have the power over your success and only the truly dedicated and passionate will persevere.
It's an empowering message, and puts the accountability for your career squarely on your shoulders, where it should be. No excuses, no more stalling. The cliche "Just Do It" rings so true when it comes to your writing career.
Goins has the wonderful ability to make his words stir your greatest writing desires, and his style makes it feel like he wrote the book especially just for you. Which he did, because as a successful writer that is farther along in his career than me, I see his book is a roadmap to reaching his level of success.
And I know I can do it, because "I am a Writer."
Thanks again, Jeff, for believing in your fellow writers and sharing your knowledge.

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