Family Magazine

Wrapping Your Head Around Moving

By Sandwichedboomers @SandwichBoomers


Our priorities and needs are shifting as we prepare to move. Downsizing again, we face the challenges of fitting our treasures into a smaller space. And keeping it simple seems to be the way to go.

Sifting through, reminiscing, savoring memories and making choices all bring emotions to the table. I know that the piles of articles I intended to reference someday are now easily accessible on the Internet. And although I love to turn the pages as I read, I have more and more books on my Kindle. So giving to others in need, letting go and throwing away is the order of the day.

When we last moved, our children were beginning their adult lives and not interested in the stuff. So we packed it up for later. And now that their children are growing up, they’re sharing our nostalgia and want the keepsakes that define their own youth.

I know I’ll feel content as long as I’m surrounded by what means the most: heirlooms that trace our family history, photo albums from our travels, precious memories I carry 
around in my head, hardwired values and rich traditions. If moving is on your agenda, here are some practical ideas to get you into the right frame of mind:

Know yourself. And start to discover the changes you want to make. Are old dreams and passions still meaningful? What commitments do you have that impact your choices? Journal writing provides a structure and support as you reflect, brainstorm and work toward new goals.

Gather information Discover what you need to learn more about. Is your plan financially feasible? What impact does it have on those you love? Find experts who can inform, educate and help you. And talk to others who have recently had these experience and can understand your concerns.

Be realistic. Emotional reactions are normal. You may regret the mementos you gave away but be relieved that you have less clutter. Or you’ll vacillate, excited about your new digs and sad about what you have left behind. Try to accept your feelings as they emerge.

I’m eagerly anticipating some of the changes.  It’ll sort of be like summer camp, living in a new building with everyone moving in at the same time. It’s a fresh start, with interesting people to meet and unique surroundings to explore. Recent studies indicate that changing your environment can stimulate neural pathways in the brain. And another extra bonus? Our grandkids don’t live too far away.


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