Books Magazine

#WowNoThankYou by @wordscience

By Pamelascott

Staring down the barrel of her fortieth year, Samantha Irby is confronting the ways her life has changed since the days she could work a full 11 hour shift on 4 hours of sleep, change her shoes and put mascara on in the back of a moving cab and go from drinks to dinner to the club without a second thought. Recently, things are more 'Girls Gone Mild.' In Wow, No Thank You Irby discusses the actual nightmare of living in a rural idyll, weighs in on body negativity (loving yourself is a full-time job with shitty benefits) and poses the essential question: Sure, sex is fun, but have you ever googled a popular meme?

#WowNoThankYou by @wordscience


[I live for a glamorous lifestyle blog featuring some gorgeous ingenue with piles of secret wealth that she never divulges to the unsuspecting sobs on the other side of the screen]


(@FaberBooks, 2 April 2020, 316 pages, ebook, copy from the publisher via # NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed)



I wanted to read this book as soon as I read the title. The cute wabbit on the front seduced me as well. I'm so glad I got to read this delightful book as it cheered me up. Things have been a bit intense for the world recently, and this treat really lifted my mood. I laughed more than I have in ages. I'd never heard of Irby before. This is clearly my loss. This is a fresh, funny book and completely relevant to our modern world. This is a collection of essays containing wise nuggets. There is sarcasm here and a slight malicious tone which delighted me. I loved this.

#WowNoThankYou by @wordscience

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