Lifestyle Magazine

World’s First Virtual Colic Clinic for Parents

By Catty212
World’s First Virtual Colic Clinic for Parents On average, anxious first-time mothers make 16 trips to the doctor during a child’s first year, with colic being in the top three concerns of new mums. Its usually associated with long periods of crying that a parent is often unable to soothe. It occurs more often in the afternoon, evenings and at night - times when it's very unlikely you'd be able to get advice from your GP.  Infacol has recently launched Colic Help which is an innovative new website created to help desperate mums and dads 24/7 get to grips with the challenges of infant colic. What is really unique about this site is the virtual Q & A Colic Clinic –  you ask your question and get an immediate video response from Infacol’s midwife - 24/7. The Virtual Colic Clinic app, launched by Infacol (Simeticone), Britain’s number 1 selling infant colic remedy, is the first of its kind. It offers a new way for parents to get immediate, 24/7 support by accessing video response answers to important questions about dealing with colic; either through a smartphone, tablet or desktop. Designed to answer the questions of parents on the subject of colic and provide extra support for parents in need, with the help of Midwife Nikki Khan, the launch follows the success of the ‘Is it colic?’ web app, which helps to quickly identify whether a baby has colic through ten simple yes/no questions. The 24/7 Virtual Colic Clinic works by encouraging parents to choose from 50 of the most commonly asked questions around colic from a drop down menu or alternatively to type their own, and then providing them with an instant video answer from Nikki Khan. The Virtual Colic Clinic can be accessed here via multiple device platforms including smartphones, tablets and desktops. I can imagine it will reassure a lot of first time parents. Since having the Little Man I've found the internet has become my savior for finding out about babies/motherhood and everything associated with it, so I think an online service is an amazing idea.  

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