Sports Magazine

Workout Routines For Beginners

By Mia_patterson

2 Basic Floor Workout Routines For Beginners

Workout Routines For Beginners
It's a given truth that once you are new to the fitness lifestyle, questions arise. You tend to raise concerns to yourself like: Do I have to follow certain food diet? How long should I work out? What if I get bored and end up quitting? Will I be able to do the routines appropriately?
How will I successfully reach my goals? All these queries are answerable if you are just enthusiastic, positive and determined to get your desired weight. If you weigh 150 pounds now and you want to be 140 in just a month, then you will have to work hard for it. Dropping 10 pounds a month is doable of course. But again, you will have to exercise for it.
Weight loss is no miracle; it is certainly an effect of regular workout and healthy diet. Beginners must realize the truths about how to drop weight. Exercise is the core of it all. These 2 basic floor workout routines for beginners will make sense to you if you are just dedicated to do them:
1. Bridging. This is done basically with you on a lying position. You will need a fitness mat to protect your back. Place it on and lie with your body facing toward the ceiling. Bend your knees a little bit but make sure your back remains in an impartial position which is not too pushed into the ground and not extremely curled. Remedy from inclining your hips upward.
Your arms are to be placed on the sides. Bring your hips up away from the floor and try to feel the contraction in your abs. Your hips must be in alignment with your shoulders and knees as you bring them up. Hold on to this position for 5 to 10 seconds and breathe deeply. Bring your hips down after a few seconds and up again for another round. You can do 2 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.
2. Abdominal Crunching. This is very common for beginners who want to trim inches off their belly. You still have to do this on a lying position. Bend your knees a little bit and place your arms across your chest with your hands touching your shoulders.
It's not advisable to place your hands beneath your head because the tendency is that you will take your weight from your hands that might cause on your neck. Your trunk muscles are largely used as you lift your upper body away from the floor. Crunch up and down making sure that you inhale and exhale accordingly. You can do 2 sets of 12 repetitions in your crunches.
These floor exercises are to be done after your cardio routines and free weights training. Mostly, floor routines are used by beginners who want to work on their abs, butt and upper torso.

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