Having your own workout space with home gym equipment has its advantages. It takes a lot of resolve to stick to a routine that might include dragging yourself out to the local rec center where you have to battle with senior citizens for a 15 minute slot on the rowing machine.
If you have the hardened determination to get your butt to the gym every other day without fail - or a swanky gym one floor down in your apartment, then this article isn't for you. I don't have either of those, and it's for that reason that I've started a collection of gear for my own home gym. I find that I have less of an excuse for sitting on my butt when there's a TV downstairs with the same channels on it.

Here are home gym equipment you may want to invest on. These equipment won't cost you a huge sum of money. Plus, they are easy to use and won't take up too much room in your home gym.
Chin up bar

Image Source: https://www.amazon.com
This is probably one of the better purchases you can make. Don't be discouraged if this home gym equipment is difficult to use at first, especially if you're not too great at this kind of thing. Seriously. If you can do 3 sets of 12 on your first try, let me know and I'll be very impressed.
Get one that's a little more complex for additional exercise possibilities. Try to do 25 reps every morning and evening, and you'll be suitably impressed with your investment.
Bosu Ball

Image Source: https://www.t-nation.com
Flip it upside down and do push ups on it. Lay it flat for core exercises and squats. Or better yet, go for any of many, many different uses that I won't get into right now.
The Bosu might be one of your later investments if you see yourself developing a need for it. Until then, maybe stick with the huge range of equipment-less core exercises that there are out there. Of course, you could always structure your entire workout around it.

Skipping Rope

Image Source: https://yorkfitness.com
Skipping rope is one of the easiest ways to burn calories. In fact, you can burn at least 300 calories in half an hour of skipping. It helps if your roof isn't too low. Otherwise, you may want to do it outside. It's a great workout option during the winter months, when the weather is frightening and you can't go out for a run or ride your bike. Plus, it's a lot cheaper than a treadmill.

Image Source: https://www.lg.com
I said it earlier... it's a lot easier to get yourself moving when there's no reason to stay on the couch. It's always best to have a separate room for your TV/workout room combo. But if you can't, then store all of your equipment in an easy to reach location in your regular TV room. Let it call you when you're feeling lazy.

Image Source: http://idealfitnessguide.com
This was one of my first purchases on the home gym front. Although you don't need them to do push ups, they really get your whole arm involved in the process. It feels like you're doing more than when you do traditional push ups. Plus,they're a lot easier on the wrists.

Image Source: https://www.amazon.com
Pretty much indispensable, you can use these for the traditional curls and raises, or maximize your value and combine this piece with your others. You can also use them in tandem with your pull up bar, the bosu ball or the bench. That will allow you to get a full body workout on the cheap.

Image Source: https://play.google.com
What are you going to do with all these home gym equipment? Want to expand repertoire of exercises? This handy little app contains a massive, cross-searchable catalog of exercises, the muscles they target, and the equipment needed to do them. Want to target the chest from your pull up bars? The shoulders with your dumbbells? Enter in the info and get exercises tailored to your desire. It's a must-have app, especially if you're a beginner.

Image Source: https://www.mokeyinternational.com
One of the less common home gym equipment, a workout bench allows you to lie down or sit while doing exercises. It offers you more options when it comes to working with your dumbbells or while doing body weight exercises. I got my hands on one specifically so I'd be able to really work out my chest with elevated pushups and dumbbell chest presses.

Image Source: https://garagegymplanner.com
Congrats dude! you're well on your way to getting in shape for the summer. Be sure to remind yourself of your progress by stroking the ego and flexing 'em every so often in the mirror. It might feel a little vain, but feeling and looking healthier is a noble goal. And seeing the results for yourself can be a huge motivator. Oh, and I didn't offer up any tips for designing your workout , but I will say this: make sure you're putting in a well-rounded full body workout from home, or you could end up looking like Johnny Bravo. And stay safe!