When Trump and the Republicans passed their tax cut bill, they promised that everyone would have their taxes cut. In fact, they even called the bill a "middle class tax cut". It wasn't true, but many workers fell for it. After all, a lot of them saw a few dollars more in their weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly pay checks. They assumed that extra money came from their taxes being cut.
Now millions of American workers are awakening to the ugly truth -- they are getting a much smaller refund, or no refund at all. And some even owe taxes instead of getting a refund (like they used to get).
It turns out they didn't get a tax cut at all. They were just the victims of a Republican slight-of-hand. Instead of giving them a tax cut, the GOP just took their refund and spread it out over the year in their pay checks.
There actually was a huge tax cut, but it wasn't for American workers. It was for the rich and the corporations (which also benefitted the rich).
Workers got conned, and that's why they need to vote against every single Republican in 2020.