As you may remember, rather than a list of New Year’s Resolutions I like to choose a word theme for each year, as a reminder of my overall goals and it also helps when looking at opportunities to decide if it’s something I should say yes or no to. It must fit with my word. My word is a great reminder when I’m tired, or when I start thinking about doing something different or new that I need to run the idea or action past my word to see if it fits with my overall years theme.
This year my word is:

Why did I choose this? Well, having just got married, it’s very easy to stop making your most important relationship a priority as you would early in the relationship. I understand that divorce is an expensive business (and I can tell you that mine cost me hundreds and hundreds of thousands and that’s not an experience I want to repeat), so I need to make sure I’m nurturing my relationship with my gorgeous husband.
I also know that as my son has started high school and he becomes more and more influenced by peers, that I need to make sure I nurture our relationship as he goes through those teenage years, so that we have a good relationship at the end of it, and even though I may not be the person he wants to spend all his time with now, in the way he did when he was young, he needs to know that I’m always here for him.
My health and wellbeing, they are two areas that I know need nurturing. Without them life is much less pleasant. I need to look after myself, from taking the time out to do some exercise, to eating healthily (sometimes I want to eat the whole box of chocolates in one sitting), to getting a little relaxation into my life (and I’m a bit of a workaholic so I have to have rules about not working weekends so I can focus on family and friends and tell myself to step away from the computer, otherwise I’d never stop).
I want to nurture my creativity. Give myself some space (quiet from all the busyness) to sit down and write, finish that book that I’ve been working on bit by bit over the past year on colour, and come up with fresh new programs and ideas that I know are in my brain, somewhere if I just give them the space to come to fruition.
And then there are all the ideas that I’ve already had, some which you can see the results from here with Evolve Your Style and 7 Steps to Style programs, where there are lots of you who take part and you also need some nurturing and that’s what I’m here to do as much as possible.
Last, but not least, I need to nurture friendships. This is something I’ve gotten very bad at over recent years. Being so busy with kids and work and life, I’ve let a few friendships slide, not because I don’t love my friends, just because we are all so busy and I’ve just not got around to making the time to catch up with friends. So this year I’m making a concerted effort to nurture my friendships, both old and new.
If you’re thinking about finding a word or theme for the year (and I highly recommend it) you can check out My One Word, and One Word 365 where there are tools to help you discover a word that will work for you.
I’m not the only one to choose a word theme for the year, here are a few others I’ve read and wanted to share with you.
Other bloggers who also choose a word:
Recovering Shopaholic
Individually You
Cauldrons and Cupcakes
Tell me – do you have a word of the year? Please share it (and if you’ve blogged about it share a link in the comments too as I’d love to come and read about your word).