Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Words Cannot Describe Some of These Shows…

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

omg1 Words cannot describe some of these shows... Words cannot describe some of these shows…


Entertainment is entertainment! Not so, you say! Well how about entertainment is in the eye of the beholder? Some of these shows just border on absurd and I realize that the show must be entertaining but really!

I guess what amazes me the most is that people are willing to go on television and spread their dirty laundry in public. I just couldn’t do it, not for any price – sorry. Shows like “Strange Addiction“, “Addicted“, “Hoarders“, “Billy the Exterminator“, “Call of the Wildman” and “Honey Boo Boo” concern me and prove to me either that people are willing to do anything for money or just don’t care what people may be thinking about them. To me these shows are reminiscent of “Jerry Springer” genre and only prove that we will demoralize our culture to absurd-om.

In my opinion these shows are not entertaining, these shows are ridiculing and mean spirited to the so called stars.. I prefer to watch shows that are informative and educational rather than shows that debase their stars…

Come on – what say you? Comments… (by the way I was called by two of the shows in this genre and chose not to participate).

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