I was given this marvellous, if rather malevolent looking, monkshood and so I’m unsure which variety it is – Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’ maybe? Anyway, it has bloomed in the nick of time: the first Priory frost can only be a few days away.
I’m flying off to Spain for a few days paddling, frolicking and general misbehaviour. But before I go, I’ll just mention that the Royal Horticultural Society is holding a new blogging competition. Four judges have selected ten finalists from 320 entries but the overall winner will be chosen by public vote. You can see the finalists and vote for your favorite entry HERE. (I wouldn’t mind at all if you chose to vote for my entry,

‘Poppies on the Downs‘). Voting closes at midnight on Sunday 20th October. Good luck to all the entrants.