I can still clearly remember the drama and trauma from the whole experience. Well, apart from the 9-hour agonising battle with the sh** on that fateful night, Angel and I have even hugged the toilet bowl and wept together one day when nothing seemed to work. That was how bad it got. *shivers at the thought*
Now, she takes lactulose daily and we try to let her eat a balanced diet while avoiding an overdose of constipating food agents. I have also mixed another brand of formula into her daily intake which somehow seemed to ease the problem a little even though she has been taking the same previous brand since she was one.
Presenting to you Angel's POO-POO Calendar last month!
Yes, she gets a smiley face sticker every time she poos and that makes her ecstatic to go to the loo, for a change.
I can't tell you how grateful I am to see that she can now laugh on the toilet bowl. Best of all, she doesn't put up a struggle and we don't have to fight a world war every time she needs to poo.
BIG BIG BIG relief. I'm going to stock up more on these smiley face stickers because they indeed brought priceless smiles in my house.
May the joy of pooing continue!
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