Shopping Magazine

Wool Slipper Socks

Posted on the 02 October 2013 by Manofmany @manofmanytastes

Wool Slipper Socks Wool Slipper Socks
No one likes cold toes. Then again, no one wants to look like grandpa in his slippers. Standard male slipper designs either involve some kind of moccasin or having a sponge Homer Simpson strapped to your feet. If neither of these ideas appeal then give these wool slipper socks a go. Made from 100% lamb’s wool these socks will keep your feet toasty warm without the sweatiness that comes from synthetic materials. The soles are lined with suede to give you grip on non-carpeted floors. The slipper socks are available in gray wool with light or dark tan leather accents. They come in men, women’s and children’s sizes so the whole family can put their feet up together. $88 AUD

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