
The #GirlPower summer movie, Wonder Woman has received some backlash from men moviegoers for having women only screenings in select theaters. The screenings were held at the Alamo Drathouse theater chains, and men have complained New York, and Texas.

To a user on social media, theater reps wrote, “Very sorry if you feel excluded. We thought it might be kinda fun — for one screening — to celebrate a character who’s meant a great deal to women for close to eight decades.”

The Alamo chain has since released a statement regarding the backlash:
We are very excited to present select, women-only Wonder Woman screenings at Alamo Drafthouse. That providing an experience where women truly reign supreme has incurred the wrath of trolls only serves to deepen our belief that we’re doing something right.
As a result, we will be expanding this program across the country and inviting women everywhere to join us as we celebrate this iconic superheroine in our theaters.
Check out the trailer for Wonder Woman:
Wonder Woman is in theaters now