The State finally came to an agreement with Egged by which Egged will not be allowed to refuse ads with images of women, but the State will reimburse them for damages when there is vandalism due to those ads.

I am sure they know this fight is far from over.
The first ad is running now and it shows female members of the organization and says "it is nice to meet you". Organizers say that they will continue to protect the city from attempts of censorship of women or excluding women from the public sphere, and it is the women who will advance Jerusalem into a better place.
Meanwhile, extremists have said that they will vandalize such hurtful ads, and it is not right to play with the sensitivities of the Haredi public. In the name of pluralism they do whatever they want while trampling the sensitivities in Jerusalem.
sources: INN and INN
I have not yet heard about any such damage, and I think it would have been reported quickly if it had happened... When I will be in Jerusalem tomorrow, I will keep my eyes out for buses with these advertisements...
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